Code of Conduct

All participants and spectators shall:


  • rules and safety guidelines

  • the direction from staff

Refrain from

  • using abusive or foul language, arguing, fighting/play fighting, or any other form of harassment or intimidation

  • acting in a manner that may cause or contribute to injury of themselves or any other person

  • instigating or becoming involved in any type of altercation with any other skater or spectator and shall not engage in abusive behavior

  • taking things that don’t belong to you

  • bringing any weapons or drugs onto District property or programs

  • bullying

Show Respect

  • to all people

  • for equipment, supplies, and facilities


  • with reporting any unsafe situations or behavior

  • with your teammates, friends, and other participants

  • with contributing to a facility where everyone is welcome and belongs

The Rockford Park District will enforce this code to help make facilities and programs fun, safe, and enjoyable for everyone. The District reserves the right to dismiss anyone whose behavior endangers their safety or the safety and enjoyment of others.

Report any inappropriate or illegal conduct to Park District staff or Park Police (815-966-2900)


The Rockford Park District will enforce this code to help make facilities and programs fun, safe, and enjoyable for everyone. A positive approach will be used regarding discipline. Staff will periodically review rules and expectations with participants and spectators during program sessions. If inappropriate behavior occurs, a prompt individualized response will be sought for each situation. The Park District reserves the right to dismiss anyone whose behavior endangers his or her own safety or the safety of others.