Metal Detector Permits
If you like to search for buried treasure in the parks (or maybe dig up some spare change), you must first obtain a metal detecting permit from the Customer Service Office. In addition to the permit, you will receive tips on digging and replacing the hole, as well as regulations regarding the use of metal detectors in the parks.
Permit Fee: $30
Please note metal detecting is prohibited at: Aldeen Golf Course, Atwood Park, Beattie Park, Burpee Museum, Ekberg-Pine Park, Elliot Golf Course, Ingersoll Golf Course, Manor Park, Mercyhealth Sportscore One, Mercyhealth Sportscore Two, Midway Village, Riverfront Museum Park, Sandy Hollow Golf Course, Sinnissippi Golf Courses, Tinker Swiss Cottage, and Rockford Park District leased property such as Alpine Hills Adventure Park, Harlem Community Center Sports Complex, and Standfield Beach.