Visual Systems

In collaboration with the Rockford Park District’s Therapeutic Recreation Department and The Autism Program (TAP) Service Center, a program of Easter Seals Metropolitan Chicago these Visual Systems have been created with the intention of providing accessibility for individuals who benefit from their use. Visual Systems are used as a communication tool and have numerous benefits. They can set a schedule for individuals and let them know what to expect for the day’s events, they can be used as a transition tool; they can be used when writing social stories, and so much more. Click here to see the Visual Systems for Rockford Park District facilities.

Alpine Pool

Harkins Aquatic Center

Sand Park Pool

Carlson Ice Arena & Sapora Playworld

Mercyhealth Sportscore Two/Indoor Sports Center

UW Health Sports Factory

Aldeen Golf Club

Lockwood Park

Midway Village

Tinker Swiss Cottage
